Matlab Code

On this site I will publish Matlab software and utilities for simulation and analysis of electron-microscopy images. Although the programs were tested extensively, I cannot guarantee theircorrect functionality. If you plan to use it, please get in contact ( to obtain advise and help. Version updates will be published on this page.


TEMsuite is a software that I use to analyze different kinds of (S)TEM data, mainly focusing on EELS data analysis. Recently I have been adding functionalities and invite you to try out the current version for Matlab (Windows). The zip file contains a basic manual. Please get in touch to get help with installation and regarding any trouble during its usage. I hope to be able to update the software package every few months. (Version 1.1, September 2024)


PPSim2 was developed from PPSim and offers many more features and is published open source under GPL v3. It was used for the publication in Ultrmicroscopy "Comparative image simulations for phase-plate transmission eletron microscopy" (Link to publication). It is available as source code bundle for Matlab or as compiled version.


PPSim is a program for the simulation of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images with the option to include various phase-plate (PP) types. It requires an object-wave function that can be calculated, e.g., with STEMsim [1]. PPSim offers a simple graphical user interface (GUI) that allows control of parameters, visualization of the phase-contrast transfer function as well as performing image simulation with and without PP.
The  program was first published with this paper: 


The downloadable package contains the original published data and contains 4 files. Please download the T4 wave function via the Journal supplementary data.

  • an information file
  • the PPSim program package (
  • the PPSim Save File with a predefined set of parameters (PPSimSave.mat)
  • the Zach-PP potential source file (export_90060oErg.mat)